How to Become an Ethical Hacker in 2024: A Complete Guide

Ethical hacking is a rewarding and in-demand career in the cyber security field. Learn what it is, why it matters, and how to get started.


Ethical hacking is the practice of testing the security of systems, networks, and applications by simulating malicious attacks. Ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers, use their skills and knowledge to help organizations identify and fix vulnerabilities, prevent data breaches, and enhance their cyber resilience.

Ethical hacking is a rewarding and indemand career in the cyber security field. According to the Cybersecurity Ventures report, the global cyber security market is expected to grow from $248 billion in 2020 to $366 billion by 2024, creating millions of new jobs for cyber security professionals. Ethical hackers are among the most soughtafter roles, as they can help organizations protect their assets, reputation, and customers from cyber threats.

In this blog post, we will provide you with a stepbystep guide on how to become an ethical hacker in 2024, covering the following topics:

  •  Get familiar with the industry and the fundamentals
  •  Invest in education, training, and learning
  •  Learn the essential programming languages
  •  Hone your skillset
  •  Get experienced and build your portfolio

By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of what it takes to become an ethical hacker and how to pursue your career goals in this exciting and challenging field.

 Get familiar with the industry and the fundamentals

The first step to becoming an ethical hacker is to get familiar with the industry and the fundamentals of hacking. You need to learn about the different types of hackers, the common tools and techniques they use, and the ethical and legal aspects of hacking.

There are three main types of hackers: white hat, black hat, and grey hat. White hat hackers are ethical hackers who work with the permission of the system owners to test their security and report any findings. Black hat hackers are malicious hackers who exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain, such as stealing data, money, or identities. Grey hat hackers are somewhere in between, as they may hack systems without permission, but not for malicious purposes, such as exposing security flaws or raising awareness.

Some of the common tools and techniques that hackers use include:

 Reconnaissance: The process of gathering information about the target system, such as its IP address, operating system, open ports, services, and vulnerabilities.

 Scanning: The process of probing the target system for more details, such as its network topology, firewall rules, and running applications.

 Exploitation: The process of exploiting the vulnerabilities found in the target system to gain access, execute commands, or install malware.

 Postexploitation: The process of maintaining access, escalating privileges, covering tracks, or exfiltrating data from the compromised system.

 Reporting: The process of documenting the findings, recommendations, and evidence of the hacking activity.

Ethical hacking is not only a technical skill, but also a professional responsibility. Ethical hackers must follow certain principles and guidelines to ensure that they do not cause any harm or damage to the systems they test, or violate any laws or regulations. Some of the ethical hacking principles and guidelines include:

 Obtaining written permission from the system owners before conducting any hacking activity.

 Defining the scope, objectives, and boundaries of the hacking activity and sticking to them.

 Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of the system owners and users.

 Reporting any vulnerabilities or issues found to the system owners and helping them fix them.

 Not using or disclosing any information or data obtained from the hacking activity for any other purpose.

 Invest in education, training, and learning

The second step to becoming an ethical hacker is to invest in education, training, and learning. There are various courses, certifications, and resources available online and offline to help you learn and practice ethical hacking skills.

Some of the popular courses and certifications for ethical hacking include:

  •  Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): A certification offered by the ECCouncil that validates your knowledge and skills in ethical hacking. The CEH exam covers topics such as reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, postexploitation, and reporting.
  •  Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP): A certification offered by Offensive Security that tests your practical skills in ethical hacking. The OSCP exam requires you to hack into a simulated network and document your findings and methods.
  •  CompTIA Security+: A certification offered by CompTIA that covers the fundamentals of cyber security, including topics such as network security, cryptography, risk management, and incident response.
  •  Cybersecurity Nanodegree: A course offered by Udacity that teaches you the core concepts and skills of cyber security, such as threat intelligence, security architecture, penetration testing, and incident handling.

Some of the popular resources for ethical hacking include:

  •  Hack The Box: A platform that provides access to hundreds of virtual machines and challenges that you can hack and learn from.
  •  TryHackMe: A platform that offers interactive and gamified learning paths and rooms that teach you various cyber security topics and skills.
  •  HackerOne: A platform that connects ethical hackers with organizations that offer bug bounty programs, where you can get paid for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in their systems.
  •  Cybrary: A platform that provides free and paid courses, labs, and practice tests on various cyber security topics and skills.

 Learn the essential programming languages

The third step to becoming an ethical hacker is to learn the essential programming languages. Programming languages are important for ethical hacking, as they allow you to create, modify, or automate scripts, tools, or exploits that can help you in your hacking activities.

Some of the most popular programming languages for ethical hacking are:

 Python: A highlevel, interpreted, and versatile language that is widely used for ethical hacking. Python has a rich set of libraries and frameworks that can help you with tasks such as web scraping, network programming, data analysis, and penetration testing. Some of the popular Python libraries and frameworks for ethical hacking include Scapy, Requests, BeautifulSoup, Nmap, and Django.

 C: A lowlevel, compiled, and powerful language that is the basis of many operating systems, applications, and devices. C gives you direct access to the memory and hardware of the system, which can help you with tasks such as reverse engineering, malware analysis, and exploit development. Some of the popular C tools and libraries for ethical hacking include Metasploit, Libpcap, and OpenSSL.

 Java: A highlevel, compiled, and objectoriented language that is widely used for web and mobile development. Java can help you with tasks such as web application hacking, Android hacking, and crossplatform development. Some of the popular Java tools and frameworks for ethical hacking include Burp Suite, ZAP, and Spring Boot.

 SQL: A domainspecific, declarative, and relational language that is used for managing data in databases. SQL can help you with tasks such as database hacking, data extraction, and data manipulation. Some of the popular SQL tools and frameworks for ethical hacking include SQLmap, SQLite, and MySQL.

 Hone your skillset

The fourth step to becoming an ethical hacker is to hone your skillset. Ethical hacking is not only about technical skills, but also about soft skills, such as analytical, problemsolving, and communication skills, as well as your creativity and curiosity.

Some of the ways to hone your skillset are:

 Analytical skills: Develop your ability to think logically, critically, and systematically, and to break down complex problems into smaller and simpler ones. You can improve your analytical skills by practicing puzzles, riddles, and brain teasers, or by taking courses on logic, mathematics, or statistics.

 Problemsolving skills: Develop your ability to find solutions to challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve goals. You can improve your problemsolving skills by practicing coding, debugging, and troubleshooting, or by taking courses on algorithms, data structures, or design patterns.

 Communication skills: Develop your ability to express yourself clearly, concisely, and confidently, and to listen and understand others. You can improve your communication skills by practicing writing, speaking, and presenting, or by taking courses on English, communication, or public speaking.

 Creativity skills: Develop your ability to think outside the box, generate new ideas, and find alternative ways to do things. You can improve your creativity skills by practicing brainstorming, mind mapping, and sketching, or by taking courses on art, music, or literature.

 Curiosity skills: Develop your ability to ask questions, seek answers, and learn new things. You can improve your curiosity skills by reading books, articles, and blogs, watching videos and podcasts, and attending webinars and events on various topics related to ethical hacking and cyber security.

 Get experienced and build your portfolio

The fifth and final step to becoming an ethical hacker is to get experienced and build your portfolio. Experience is the best way to demonstrate your skills and knowledge, and to gain exposure and recognition in the industry. Portfolio is the best way to showcase your work and achievements, and to attract potential employers and clients.

Some of the ways to get experienced and build your portfolio are:

 Participate in CTFs: Capture the Flag (CTF) is a type of competition where you have to solve various cyber security challenges, such as hacking into a system, cracking a password, or finding a flag. CTFs are a great way to test and improve your ethical hacking skills, as well as to network and learn from other hackers. Some of the popular CTF platforms include CTFtime, HackTheBox, and TryHackMe.

 Join bug bounty programs: Bug bounty programs are initiatives where organizations reward ethical hackers for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in their systems. Bug bounty programs are a great way to gain experience and recognition in ethical hacking, as well as to earn money and rewards. Some of the popular bug bounty platforms include HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and Synack.

 Apply for internships or entrylevel positions: Internships or entrylevel positions are opportunities where you can work with experienced professionals and learn from them, as well as contribute to realworld projects and tasks. Internships or entrylevel positions can help you build your resume and network, as well as to advance your career in ethical hacking. Some of the popular platforms for finding internships or entrylevel positions in cyber security include Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor.

 Create your own website or blog: A website or blog is a platform where you can showcase your portfolio, such as your projects, achievements, certificates, and testimonials. A website or blog can help you establish your online presence and reputation, as well as to attract potential employers and clients. Some of the popular platforms for creating your own website or blog include WordPress, Wix, and Medium.

 Use social media: Social media ia platforms are channels where you can share your insights, opinions, and tips on ethical hacking, as well as to follow and interact with other experts and influencers in the field. Social media platforms can help you build your personal brand and credibility, as well as to stay updated on the latest trends and news in cyber security. Some of the popular social media platforms for ethical hackers include Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

These are some of the ways to get experienced and build your portfolio as an ethical hacker. Remember, ethical hacking is a continuous learning process, and you should always seek new challenges and opportunities to hone your skills and knowledge. By doing so, you will be able to achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the cyber security world. Good luck . 

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